Full Time Practice

Monday, November 11, 2013

A Challenge and a Promise

(Written by Nan Barker, WIL Committee chair.)

To describe the 1st ever Regional Women in Law Conference in one word would be: wonderful! We had a marvelous experience together on Saturday. There were women (and a sprinkling of brave men) from a variety of geographic and professional areas. We all came together gaining strength from one another.

The following are some of the ideas that were discussed:

Priorities are choices we make all the time; we only become unbalanced when we let others take charge of those choices.
Megan Lennox, Deborah Hendrickson, Michelle Mumford

Integrity gives balance.

Watch out for the tiny steps--those that slowly take you away from ethical positions.

Become aware of and use Re-Entry programs that are already in existence.

Stay abreast of current technology.

Recognize that a law degree is a leadership degree.

Networking requires sincerity.

The skills you use while at staying at home are marketable and transferable.

Tisha Huish, Maren Hanson, Jessica Maziarz, Anne Findling
Use technology to enhance your practice and life.

Ginger did everything Fred did, except she did it backwards and in heels.

That gives you a small taste of the things that were discussed. There were many, many more.

One of the highlights for me was toward the end of the Conference. Each person was asked to stand, give their name and share with the group what idea or concept they had heard that day that had helped or affected them the most. That was an amazing experience! Every class/presentation was mentioned. Many similar things were learned. Many different things were learned. I wish each one of you could have been there.

I entitled this post "A Challenge and a Promise".  The reason I did was because I would like to issue a challenge to each one of you who is reading this. And I promise, that if you fulfill the challenge, you will be changed for the better.

Joni Jamison, Christine Leavitt, Penny Willrich, Jessica Everett-Garcia
Here is the challenge: sometime in the next week get together, either in person or on skpe or FaceTime or over the phone with at least two other women attorneys. Share with each other why/how you ended up in law school, what you've learned since law school and what you hope to do in the future with your law degree.

Here is the promise: If you fulfill the challenge you will be enriched and strengthened. You will feel more connected and less alone. You will be a better person.  I promise!

Share with us, through this blog, or me through my email (nanbarker@gmail.com) what you experience by completing this challenge. Your experiences will also strengthen us. Good luck!

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