International Day of the Girl occurred on October 11th. Well, October 11th came and passed and we didn’t post anything on it. Life got crazy for me and it was one of those things that slipped by me.
shouldn’t have…especially because Women in Law emphasizes the value of all
girls, young and old. I’m trying to make up for my mistake now. I hope you
read this and learn more about the International Day of the Girl. Maybe next
year each JRLCS chapter, through their WIL representative, can hold some event
on October 11th to celebrate the value of girls…of all ages.
and how did this special day come about? Here is the answer:
December 19, 2011, the United Nations General Assembly adopted Resolution 66/170 to declare 11 October
as the International Day of the Girl Child, to recognize girls’ rights and the
unique challenges girls face around the world. For its second observance, this
year’s Day will focus on “Innovating for Girls’ Education”.
there has been significant progress in improving girls’ access to education
over the last two decades, many girls, particularly the most marginalized,
continue to be deprived of this basic right. Girls in many countries are still
unable to attend school and complete their education due to safety-related,
financial, institutional and cultural barriers. Even when girls are in school,
perceived low returns from poor quality of education, low aspirations, or
household chores and other responsibilities keep them from attending school or
from achieving adequate learning outcomes. The transformative potential for
girls and societies promised through girls’ education is yet to be realized.” http://www.un.org/en/events/girlchild/

year after Yousafzai was shot in the head by the Taliban for wanting to go to
school, she has recovered and dedicated herself to advocacy. She's delivered
impassioned speeches, pushed the UN education goals, and already provided
grants through the Malala Fund,
which partners with local organizations to provide education opportunities,
specifically for girls.” http://www.huffingtonpost.com/annie-gersh/international-day-of-the-girl_b_4096917.html.
additional interesting facts: “Nearly two-thirds of the world's illiterate are
women, women have lower completion rates than men for all levels of education,
and girls' participation in education decreases at each level. However, studies
have shown education to be one of the best ways to help break the cycle of
poverty for both individuals and nations." http://www.deseretnews.com/article/865588292/Message-for-Malala-Day-of-the-Girl-focuses-on-girls-education.html.
its website, the Global Partnership for Education states, "Educating
girls has benefits not just for themselves but also for their families,
communities and countries. With a quality education, girls can make informed
choices, improving their country's social and economic well-being by promoting
the health and welfare of the next generation." http://www.globalpartnership.org/our-work/areas-of-focus/girls-education-2/
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