Angel Zimmerman began her term as President of Kansas Women Attorneys Association (KWAA) on July 23, 2012. Angel is a member of the JRCLS international Women in the Law Committee. Announced at the same time were her executive board and KWAA conference chairs and committees. April will attend the National Conference of Women Bar Associations in Chicago in August.
Angel Zimmerman and her 3 daughters at KWAA meeting.

KWAA is divided into 11 regions, with two representatives in each region. Some regions have their own local women’s bar association. The state and local bars are not affiliated but work closely together; often the state organization helps sponsor local events. KWAA sponsors a three--day annual conference yearly in Lindsborg, Kansas. The conference offers women all the CLE’s that are required in Kansas, along with non-CLE events as well. KWAA has a newsletter and a very active listserv. The Association also raises scholarships for both Washburn School of Law and for KU School of Law.
Our congratulations to Angel and best wishes for an outstanding year.
I love that your daughters were with you to see you installed.